A wedding gift that will make the memories last forever.

Monica and Steve got married last fall. Monica’s mother, Cindy, gifted them a Skylight Frame prior to the wedding to keep all their wedding photos in one place.

Skylight is a digital photo frame that you can easily update by email from anywhere, and the photos pop right up!

They had the wonderful idea of asking all guests to send wedding photos to the frame! They put the Skylight’s personal email address on each table at the wedding, and asked guests to send all the photos the took that day.

"People loved the idea! A lot of photos were sent", said Cindy.

"By the end of the day, they had a frame full of photos taken throughout the entire wedding. They were able to capture every moment!"

Monica and Steve were thrilled to see photos of their wedding from their guest’s perspective. They laughed at the unexpected photos and reminisced on their beautiful ceremony.

Skylight is now in their home and it always reminds them of that special day.

"It’s been a year since Monica and Steve got married, and they still look at the photos on their Skylight with joy. They are able to relive their wedding day every time they look at it, as if it was just yesterday."

Skylight is a touch-screen photo frame you can update by email from anywhere. It has allowed thousands of people to stay connected with family members, no matter their age or location.

Congratulations Monica and Steve! Thank you for letting us share your story!


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