First, Skylight helped them stay in touch after moving away from home.

Rachel and her family recently moved 12 hours away from the rest of the family. This wasn’t easy for her parents, who were suddenly not going to be able to see their only grandkids…

So Rachel decided to get them a a Skylight Frame for Christmas. Skylight is a digital photo frame that you can easily update by email from anywhere, and the photos pop right up!

“We have two little girls and their grandparents love being able to see what they’re doing!”, she said.  

Rachel said her parents get so excited every time they receive a photo. They receive one or two photos of the girls every day – sometimes, they’ll even send up to 20 photos a week!

Even the things that seem mundane make their day,” said Rachel as she told us some of the moments they have shared with them on Skylight. “The girls recently made donuts and the kitchen was a total DISASTER! The photos were hilarious!”

Then, it was a special part of their new baby's announcement.

Now, Rachel and her husband are expecting a third girl and wanted to share the news in an exciting way.

“It is hard to make this announcement special when you are 12 hours away, but having Skylight made this reveal so unique

Rachel pinned the ultrasound photos to a letterboard and wrote “three” on it. She wanted to give her parents a clue before telling them the whole story. Then, she took a photo of the letterboard to send it to her parent’s Skylight.

“They go to the lake every Sunday, and when they get back they always check the frame,” she said, “They’ve made it a ritual to look through the photos and talk about them every Sunday night”.

Planning for all of this, she sent the photo on a Sunday afternoon and, as soon as her parents got back home, they immediately called Rachel and her husband!

“They were so excited when they saw the photo of the ultrasound on their Skylight! It was a very special way to share the news.”

Skylight is a touch-screen photo frame you can update by email from anywhere. It has allowed thousands of people to stay connected with family members, no matter their age or location.

We are so happy to hear that Skylight has brought joy to Rachel’s family in a unique way. Congratulations Rachel and thank you for letting us share this beautiful story!


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